May 202015


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'Trick Slattery

'Trick Slattery is the author of Breaking the Free Will Illusion for the Betterment of Humankind. He's an author, philosopher, artist, content creator, and entrepreneur. He has loved and immersed himself in philosophy since he was teenager. It is his first and strongest passion. Throughout the years he has built a philosophy based on analytic logic and critical thinking. Some of the topics he is most interested in are of a controversial variety, but his passion for the topics and their importance drives him to want to express these ideas to others. His other passions include pen and ink line art and digital artwork.

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  4 Responses to “Free Will Quiz (10 Yes/No Questions)”

Comments (4)
  1. Interesting Quiz. There were probably a couple of weak questions that could have been answered “Maybe”.

    • Thanks, it’s kind of experimental (results are interesting so far). I was debating whether or not to place a “maybe” or “don’t know” in there, but I wanted to get the persons impression to either “yes” or “no” the best they could (and most maybes would fall into the yes category, as most questions ask if something is possible or not). šŸ™‚

  2. What is an “entirely causal” universe. Are you implying a naturalist universe? Are there causes that we don’t understand? What caused the big bang, anyway? Is the big bang theory correct, or could there be more to the universe? Sorry, not buying your determinist BS. Since you are a determinist, you probably believe and believe that you have no choice but to believe that I have no choice to believe this. Have a nice day!

    • Hi Jim,

      What is an ā€œentirely causalā€ universe.

      It is one possibility for the universe (the postulate that every event is an effect of a cause). The other is that there are some non-caused or random events. Both cases are incompatible with free will (the type of free will defined here: FREE WILL…the free will of importance).

      Are you implying a naturalist universe?

      I’m a naturalist but my arguments against free will do not rely on naturalism.
      Why the Lack of Free Will isnā€™t (only) tied to Naturalism

      Are there causes that we donā€™t understand?

      We can understand the concept of causality in a logical context, and reject anything that falls outside of logic (for example – anything that is in contradiction to itself).

      What caused the big bang, anyway?

      We do not know what caused it, or even if it was caused for that matter.

      Is the big bang theory correct, or could there be more to the universe?

      This doesn’t matter for my argument. Free will is incompatible for any start or non-start theory of the universe. We do know that there is evidence for the expansion of the universe from a single point.

      Sorry, not buying your determinist BS. Since you are a determinist,

      You seem to be under the impression that I’m a determinist. This, however, is not the case. Rather, I’m a hard incompatibilist – meaning that free will is incompatible in BOTH a deterministic universe as well as an indeterministic universe. You’ll even notice that many of these questions address indeterminism.It is also incompatible with any theory of time.

      Why Iā€™m a Hard Incompatibilist, Not a Hard Determinist.
      Is the Universe Causally Deterministic? Maybe!

      you probably believe and believe that you have no choice but to believe that I have no choice to believe this.

      To be more clear, I believe that I had no FREE choice but to believe that you have no FREE choice to believe this. šŸ˜‰

      The Distinction Between X and Free X (choice vs. free choice)

      I hope this helps you understand what my position more closely aligns with. There is a ton on this site that addresses both determinism and indeterminism.

      Have a great day good sir! šŸ˜€

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