Jul 302014

Breaking the Free Will Illusion for the Betterment of Humankind is now out on paperback! 345 pages worth of free will destroying material (including back material such as bio, syllogisms, bibliography, end notes, and index).

Concepts in this book are conveyed in a number of different ways. Logical arguments are made, analogies and thought experiments act as understanding pumps, illustrations are used for key concepts and to break up long text, and (at the end of many chapters) dialogues between two character, one who believes in free will, the other who doesn’t, help display many of the ideas in a conversational setting.

Take a look at a paperback copy (actual photograph):

BTFWI - paperback

These are actual photo’s I’ve taken of a physical paperback copy. The dimensions are 8.5″ tall by 5.5″ wide (very common for books of these types).
BTFWI - paperbacks

If you are an Amazon Associate, feel free to use any of the above graphics to promote this book on your own website, social media, or email!


Get your paperback copy on Amazon today (also on Kindle!)



I was told it could take from 6 to 8 weeks for other amazon sites (such as amazon.ca) to pick up my paperback book from expanded distribution and make it available. If you are in another location you can also buy my book before then from the createspace store (but you unfortunately can’t take advantage of amazon’s free shipping or things like that through the store)

All locations can currently buy the paperback book from the CreateSpace store:

Amazon CreateSpace Store

Also, if you do buy from the createspace store here is a $2 off discount code you can use to help offset some of the shipping fee: FY96GQ74

Remember, if you do buy the book, read it, and found it useful or enjoyable, please log into Amazon and give me a review (for places like amazon.ca you can place the review on the kindle version as it’s the same book). Help me get the book seen!


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'Trick Slattery

'Trick Slattery is the author of Breaking the Free Will Illusion for the Betterment of Humankind. He's an author, philosopher, artist, content creator, and entrepreneur. He has loved and immersed himself in philosophy since he was teenager. It is his first and strongest passion. Throughout the years he has built a philosophy based on analytic logic and critical thinking. Some of the topics he is most interested in are of a controversial variety, but his passion for the topics and their importance drives him to want to express these ideas to others. His other passions include pen and ink line art and digital artwork.

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