Someone has stored a bunch of contradictions in old boxes including contradictory non-bunny bunnies, pink colorless square circles, and free will. That’s right, free will is up there with any other self-contradictory concept. This is black and white line art created by ‘Trick.
The logo represents that you have broken away from the free will illusion. The three smaller circles on the logo represent multiple viable options. The options that someone with “free will” would be able to take. The mid-sized circle represents the “willer”. The person, self, or entity that would have the illusion of possessing this fantastical ability. And the thicker circle with the line through is the breaking of the illusion. It’s basically saying that such ability is impossible.
This product is fully Customizable!
When you are at the Zazzle website just hit the “Customize It” button to move things around, add your own text, upload your own images, and so on! You can also change the shirt that this design is on. There are shirts and clothes for men, women, children, and babies to choose from in a number of different styles, sizes, and colors! You are not restricted to the shirt you see here! Click “Buy at Zazzle” to get to the Zazzle store where you can make all of these changes.