Subscribe and Free Card Game: DETERMINISM


Free Card Game: Determinism (click here)!

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I created a card game a while back that you might think is fun called “Determinism”. It has little to do with the philosophy on this site, but hey, it’s free and something different to try out. Plays two to four people with one deck of playing cards. Download it now and share it with anyone you might think would like it (in it’s unaltered form):

 Card Game – Determinism (click here)


Determinism is a card game that plays with a deck of playing cards. The object of the card game is to build a card “universe” off of an initial Big Bang card and to either win by obtaining the most points or by entering a Black Hole. You play by following the game’s “rules of causality”. It’s a quick and easy game to learn. Try it out and let me know how it can improve.

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